Water Softeners or Water Filters: Which Is Better?

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Improving your home’s water quality is always important since not only can it provide you with great-tasting water, it keeps you healthy. While we all reach for a cold glass of water from either the tap or a water filter pitcher in the fridge, how you can keep your water crisp is wholly dependent on the water filtration system you use. You may have heard of water softeners and question if you need one if you already have a water filter. Well, we break down the difference between both systems and let you know which is best for your home!


Water Filters


Water filters are, as the name suggests, a device to help remove harmful substances from your drinking water. Water filters can vary in quality depending on the brand and overall specification of the filtration system. Water filters help remove harmful substances such as lead, arsenic, iron, pesticides, and a bevy of chemical substances that can harm you over time. The issue with contaminated water sources is the damage they can cause over time from prolonged exposure.


Most modern homes have pipes and plumbing systems that should not corrode and leech into your water supply, but sometimes older homes have issues with pipes causing contamination. Likewise, there is always a chance of local water supplies getting contaminated or having remnants of cleaning substances in your water. While some tap water can be fit for cleaning dishes, the same cannot be said for constant drinking.


Water Softener

If you have heard of the term hard water, you might be confused about how exactly water’s texture can change? Hard water refers to the situation where water sources high in calcium deposits or other minerals become quite abrasive due to the high mineral content. Hard water can become a hassle for pipes, put a strain on your water heater, and can even make your skin dryer as it is abrasive.


While minerals in our water are healthy for our own health to get vital nutrients, too much of a good thing can quickly spiral out into a problem. To control the mineral levels in your home a water softener acts as a specialized filter that helps siphon out larger portions of specific minerals like calcium, from building up in your water.


Making The Choice

So before you purchase any system, we highly suggest you start with making sure your home has the best whole home water filtration system. No matter the home, you will need a robust water filter for the entire home to make sure your drinking and cleaning water is safe for use!


It is not advised to forgo a traditional water filter and only have a water softener. Although water softeners are water filters, they are only good at filtering out minerals that create hard water, and not bacteria, lead, and other harmful contaminants. A good water filter system is more of a jack of all trades, while a water softener is a specialized tool for homes dealing with hard water issues.


To take it a step beyond, you can even have point-of-use water filters to place around your kitchen for even cleaner water! We personally offer water filters from brands like AquaPorin that are easy to refill, and relatively small so they can easily fit in the fridge. Point-of-use water filters can make sure your drinking water is as clean as can be and gives you peace of mind knowing you are reducing your exposure to harmful substances.


AtMcKeown Plumbing we take water filtration seriously, and offer the best filtration services that nobody else around can offer! So call us today at (949) 234-6001